4 Exercise Routine Steps That Will Boost Your Business!

Entrepreneurs and small business owners have one of the most time and energy-consuming jobs a person can have. They throw themselves into their business, giving it their all and focusing entirely on its growth. This means that they can start to let their health slide when things start to get hectic around the office.
Ask a doctor what the #1 thing is that you could do to improve your health, “Exercise.” The problem is that many small business owners and entrepreneurs just don’t feel like they have the time. The thing about an exercise routine is that it doesn’t just help keep you fit; it also maintains energy levels. For overworked entrepreneurs, these health benefits can push their businesses to the next level. This is why everyone should get their body into tip-top shape as often as possible, maybe even every day. The last thing you want is to spend all those years building up your business only to realize that your health is falling apart! Believe me, I know – it happened to me! Luckily, I was able to get myself back on track, and my productivity skyrocketed!
#1: Choose Activities that You Love
One of the best ways to stick to an exercise routine is to choose a method of exercise that you love.
Personally, I love hot yoga. It keeps me fit and helpfully de-stresses me, and it is something I genuinely look forward to. It had a huge impact on my life when I started to regularly go a couple of years ago. If I ever stopped going, I would miss it terribly. Not only that, but I would also feel my stress levels rise and my insomnia kicks in! This makes it far easier for me to stick to my routine!
Do you already have a method of exercise that you love? If not, go online and find some of the most popular ways and give them a try. Yoga can be a relaxing and challenging way to keep fit. There is always the traditional method of hitting the gym to lift some weights or on the treadmill. You could give jogging a try.
[Tweet “Exercise can be the best de-stressor for a small business owner. It’s time to get fit!”]
#2: Set Goals
One of the reasons why many people can’t seem to stick to an exercise routine is that they don’t set any concrete goals. As an entrepreneur, you probably do everything with an eye on the results; you set your goals and pursue them tirelessly.
Spending a few minutes every morning meditating on your goals for the day, including exercise goals, can really bring your workday into focus. Take this time to set your intentions for the day, including making some time to take care of yourself physically.
Just like how a Virtual Assistant can be incredibly
#3: Free Up Some Time
One of the major reasons why busy small business owners like us have trouble enjoying exercise and fitness is that there is just too much to do! The entire time that you are working out, you could be thinking about all of the little tasks that need to be done when you get back to the office. Writing social media, sorting through emails, returning calls – these small recurring tasks can eat up our day and distract us from more important work, such as taking care of ourselves.
A Virtual Assistant can be an invaluable tool in freeing up hours of your week by hiring them to do the tasks that you don’t personally need to do. For example, if you need a blog post written, that could take upwards of two hours of your day.
[Tweet “Scheduling exercise time can be challenging for entrepreneurs. Let a VA help you find the time!”]
#4: Schedule It
For busy entrepreneurs or small business owners to fit an exercise routine into their day, they need to treat it like they would any other important part of their workday and schedule it at a regular time on a weekly basis. There is always something else to do, some task that will get in the way. In order to get your fitness in, you need to treat it like every other scheduled task in your workday. Personally, I schedule my workouts on my calendar and for early morning before I get to work, but everyone is different.
Of course, it isn’t just the gym or other kinds of workouts that need to be scheduled. Doctor appointments are something that is easy to set aside when you are in the middle of a busy season. You might think, “Eh, I feel fine. Delaying for a month or two won’t hurt.” The only problem is that a month or two might eventually turn into three or four. And then, suddenly, you might discover that you haven’t seen your doctor in a year.
Use a Project Management System
A Virtual Assistant can help you with project management. Using a system like TeamWork that will allow you to keep everything organized.

Dealing with stress is just par for the course for a small business owner and entrepreneur. Exercise can be one of the best pressure valves to help release that pent-up stress. All you need to do is find your favorite kind of exercise and then schedule it. Although I can’t help you with the first two, I can certainly give you a hand with others! Contact me today, and we can talk about how a Virtual Assistant can help you free up your time, allowing you to get out and stay out there – healthy!
[…] trick to dealing with it is giving yourself time to relax. Daily exercise can help. So can mindless activities like watching TV. You need the time to do these things, even just an […]
[…] adore podcasts. They are the perfect way to distract yourself while doing chores around the house, going for a run, doing some yoga, or basically anything else where you can put on a pair of headphones. In my line of work, […]
[…] could argue that exercise is always a productive use of your time, but that’s not what I’m talking about […]