Writer’s Block? A Virtual Assistant Can Help!

If there are two words that send shivers up my spine, they are “writer’s block.”
As a professional writer, you can imagine how important it is for me to be able to write all day long for my clients. Getting writer’s block isn’t an option when I have so many people depending on me to deliver polished blogs, newsletters, copy for websites, sales pages, funnels, nurture sequences, etc. into their inboxes.
If you write your own copy, then you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. Suffering from writer’s block can be incredibly frustrating, but I know one method of coping that never fails: using a virtual assistant!
With the help of a virtual assistant, you can get past your writer’s block, no matter what the reason. Let’s take a look at these common causes for writer’s block and how a virtual assistant can guide you through it:
Cause: You Don’t Have a Topic in Mind
The more specific an idea, the easier it is to write about it.
When you aren’t quite sure what you’re going to write, maybe because you only have a general idea of a topic, getting words down on the page can be almost insurmountable. To write a compelling article, blog, whitepaper, or ebook, you need a clear and concise topic. Having one will give a focus to your writing, helping you beat writer’s block.
I’ve helped countless clients in this area. If you want to write a weekly blog, but you can’t come up with any ideas, I can do that for you! In consultation with you, I’ll create an editorial calendar filled with creative and interesting blog topics that are perfectly aligned with your business’ brand. Just tell me how many months’ worth of blog topics you want, and I will create a document full of ideas that will give you the focus you need to write.
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Cause: You Need More Research
The more subject matter that you have, the easier it is to write.
If you are trying to write something, but only have a small amount of information about the topic, then you are going to be adding a lot of padding to the copy. This can result in a dull and uninformative blog post that no one will want to read. What your audience wants is content. To provide that to them, you need to research your topics to make sure that every blog or article is chocked full of info!
If you don’t have the time to do this, no problem, I can do your research for you. If you have specific material you want me to focus on and summarize, give it to me and you’ll have the relevant info in no time. Or you could leave me to my own devices. Just give me a topic to research and off I will go!
Once you have tons of research in front of you, you’ll have no shortage of things to write about!
Cause: You Have Trouble Getting Started
This is the big one. This is the reason for writer’s block that amateur and professional writers alike dread: getting started.
Writing is all about momentum. Once you get going, it’s easy! But looking at a blank page and knowing that you have to fill it? I’m going to be honest, the thought even terrifies me, and I have to do it daily!
There are a number of ways I can help you here. The first is simply to talk you through it. If you contact me for a consultation, we can discuss the topic and figure out ways that you can get the writing started. Once we’ve come up with a compelling opening, then writing the rest of it will be a snap!
The other method is that I could write the first paragraph of the blog for you. This can be part of the editorial calendar creation I mentioned above. Alongside coming up with the blog titles, I can include an opening paragraph for each blog. In this way, you won’t have to worry about getting started because the first paragraph will already be written. Just pick up on the threads introduced in it and start writing. You’ll be done in no time!
Cause: You’ve Rarely Written Anything That Length
Your writing ability is, like most other things, a muscle that needs to be built up.
If you’ve rarely written anything above the length of an email in the last few years, then writing a 1,000-word blog or article is going to seem impossible. You simply don’t have the practice and, as you are a busy small business owner, you’re unlikely to have time to put into getting better at it. And that’s where a virtual assistant comes in most handy. I can do the writing for you.
One thing that I strive to do with my clients is to learn their “voice.” This means that I try to learn how you express yourself verbally and in writing. When I am creating a blog post, article, or website copy for you, I try to write it in your “voice” so it sounds like you were the person who wrote it. Then, after it’s delivered to your inbox, you can go through the blog and tweak it in any way that you wish so it will definitely be authentically YOU.
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Cause: You Don’t Know How to Structure a Blog
You have a great idea for a blog, lots of research and a killer opening paragraph. So, why do you still have writer’s blog? Well, it might be that you don’t know the proper structure of a blog.
This problem I can help with immediately. I invite you to download my free Blog Breakdown Workbook. Inside, I will break a blog down to its component parts, giving you a template that you can work off. Once you see how a blog “works,” it’s much easier to write one!

Of course, writer’s block goes beyond just blogs and
Whatever your writing challenge, know that I am here to help! Contact me today and we can get started making your writer’s block a thing of the past!