Starting a Business? Partner with a Virtual Assistant and Strengthen your Foundation

Starting a business in any industry, time period, or global climate can be a serious roller coaster. So many changes will be made in policies, procedures, staffing needs, marketing, and so on that you are going to feel overwhelmed most of the time without someone there to help you out. It’s always great to feel confident and proud enough that you can start your business by yourself, but with all the stress and endless preparation that comes with it, why wouldn’t you want an anchor to keep you focused and organized?

Hiring a virtual assistant from the get-go is the smartest move a new business owner can make. Even if you’ve gone through the motions with a previous business, why would you want to do it all again by yourself? Grant yourself some personal time off with the help of an experienced and knowledgeable virtual assistant, and get your business on the right track. Here is a short, but not all-inclusive, list of why and how a virtual assistant starting at day one means more growth and success:

1. Delegation is something that is bound to happen, and it needs to become something that is an easy task. Many business owners live by different principles, but find that one of the hardest hurdles to overcome is the idea of “If you want something done (the right way), do it yourself.” That is a completely acceptable way to think, but when it comes to running and starting a business, it’s the last thing you should take literally. Do yourself a favor and find great virtual assistants who you can hire on an hourly, project, or retainer basis to delegate tasks to. Don’t have time to keep up with receivables? Hire a VA who specializes in bookkeeping. Need someone to organize your tasks and projects, and send email reminders about your day? Hire a project managing VA. Need someone to set appointments from your successful marketing campaign? Hire a customer service oriented VA and start de-stressing.

2. As already mentioned, free time is imperative when starting a business.  Having a VA there to take last minute projects or accept phone calls after hours on your behalf are just a couple of the dozens of ways a VA can help. It’s only a matter of time before stress and burnout creep up on you as your business really gets off the ground, and if there’s no free time to unwind and relax, the chances of your efforts being all for naught increase.

3. Following up on everything can turn into total chaos, and can even get tossed by the wayside. Having a VA there to be your personal ambassador to follow up and get meetings booked can be a huge business saver. Who wants to invest in a company that can’t remember to call back when they say they will? Leave it up to your virtual assistant to help keep you on top of everything.

4. Having the consistent feedback and support of another business owner can be comforting and provide a positive outlook on each hurdle you may face. If you request feedback from your VA, chances are they will happily provide constructive criticism, and even offer solutions for any problem you face. It is their job to be constantly looking for solutions to your challenges, and what better way to do that than to simply request feedback on something you’re on the fence about? Who knows, maybe they have that million dollar idea you’ve been brainstorming about, and they help you break through the market with a brilliant product or service!

Whether you’re several months into your business or just in the planning process, now is the time to seriously consider adding a VA to your team who can only help you grow and prosper.

In fact, let me do you a favor, download my free workbook that walks you through partnering with a virtual assistant. If you do one thing for your business this year, get help! You can’t do everything yourself and you WILL see your business grow when you collaborate with a virtual assistant! 

About Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. Jennie specializes in helping busy entrepreneurs organize, manage, develop and promote their brand! She is devoted to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media, content creation, email marketing, client relations, website management, and administration services. If you are a small business owner, coach or self-employed entrepreneur struggling to find enough time in your day to focus on what you really love - schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Jennie.


  1. […] we’ve discussed the big reasons why you need a virtual assistant and how partnering with one can strengthen your foundation and help you focus on the big picture; this week’s blog outlines 3 hidden benefits of partnering […]

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