How a Virtual Assistant Can Help You Launch a Successful Webinar

By Jennie Lyon / April 25, 2017
How A Virtual Assistant Can Help You Launch a Successful Webinar

Seminars are a staple in the business world. The problem is that seminars are expensive and somewhat inconvenient affairs that, although useful and informative, sometimes only attract limited audiences. But today, thanks to the power of technology, anyone can reach a much wider audience around the world! Using a real-time video conference, known as a webinar, small business owners can give a much more cost-effective talk. A webinar is basically an online seminar. It offers your clients a real-time connection to you; they actually hear you speak and can respond through chat. With the option for anyone in the world…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can Help with Your Next Big Launch

By Jennie Lyon / April 18, 2017
How a Virtual Assistant Can Help with Your Next Big Launch

Product launches are exciting for small business owners, whether they’re for a new webinar, e-book, online course, or physical product. Seeing the results of your labor being used and appreciated by dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of people, is extremely satisfying! However, it’s also a lot of work to get to the point of launch, especially if you’re doing everything on your own. [Tweet “Make a big deal about your launch! Think Facebook ads and online promotions to mark the occasion.”] Have you ever looked at other entrepreneurs and wondered how they get new products ready to launch so quickly?…

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How to Automate Your Social Media Presence + Free Social Media Calendar

By Jennie Lyon / March 14, 2017
JLVAS How to Automate Your Social Media Presence Free Social Media Calendar

Staying on top of all your business’ social media accounts can be extremely time consuming. Luckily, much of your social media presence can be automated for a “set it and forget it” experience. Automating various social media-related tasks eliminates the need for spending a sizeable part of each day on small, fiddly tasks that take up your valuable time. [Tweet “Your social media presence is only valuable if it is consistent. Automation helps with this!”] As a virtual assistant who specializes in social media marketing for small business, I have quite a few strategies for streamlining these tasks! Today I’d…

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8 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account This Month + 15 Free Graphics

By Jennie Lyon / March 7, 2017

For small businesses, Instagram represents an incredible opportunity to reach out to new potential clients. However, in order to successfully take advantage of what the app has to offer, you’re going to need to build up your follower list. Instagram is currently the hottest social media platform out there because it allows people to connect with more than just friends. Celebrities and companies are just as easy to access on Instagram as on Twitter, and the platform offers a lot more engagement than Facebook. The trick for small business owners is to grow their number of followers and turn them…

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How to Decide Which Social Media Platforms Your Business Should Use + Free Checklist

By Jennie Lyon / February 25, 2017

Social media gives a small business the opportunity to get noticed like nothing else before it in the world of advertising. Social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram offer multiple ways to promote your business. Free options abound, like posting status updates and photos for your followers to see, and if you’ve made them really compelling, share them with their followers. Social media platforms also represent one of the most effective places to spend your advertising budget, thanks to their sophisticated targeting algorithms. I always recommend making social media marketing a pillar of any small business’ plans for attracting…

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It’s Almost a New Year: Build Your Virtual Team Now

By Jennie Lyon / November 29, 2016

Do you have the right team in place to support your business? Your goals probably involve the growth of your business, taking on new clients, expanding your services or product line, tackling more and larger projects, etc. No small business owner wants to get stuck in a rut or have their business stagnate. However, growth means more work. A lot of small business owners view hiring an additional person to work on their business as a scary prospect. They worry about paying a salary, whether their need for support will remain consistent enough to warrant the commitment of a new…

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Gratitude: What are You Thankful for in Your Business?

By Jennie Lyon / November 22, 2016

It’s Thanksgiving week, which means it’s a good time to focus on the things in our lives that we’re grateful for. Owning and running a small business can sometimes be challenging or draining, but there are so many wonderful things about it that make the trials worthwhile. I always try to remember to think on all the parts of running my own business that fill me with gratitude and appreciation for the work I do and the people I work with. Especially around holiday time, when the themes of thankfulness and love are so prevalent, I find it makes me happy…

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Showing Client Appreciation is Essential and the Holidays are the Perfect Time!

By Jennie Lyon / November 8, 2016

Clients are the heart of your business, and you can’t afford to take them for granted. Without your clients, your business wouldn’t exist, so you always need to be considerate of their needs and appreciative for their patronage. The benefit to showing clients your appreciation is that it builds a strong connection with them, encouraging return business and making it more likely that they will refer others to you. Good client care is fundamental to the success of every business! While there are actions you can take year-round to let clients know how much you appreciate their business, the holidays…

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Planning Ahead: How to Set a Short & Long Term Business Flow

By Jennie Lyon / November 1, 2016

Planning ahead of time is one of the most important skills for a business owner to develop, because the success of any small business depends on how well it flows. Unfortunately, most people are only good at planning a day or two in advance, or for the very long term—setting goals for the year or beyond. It is merging the two, and sticking to a plan for the week or month where most people get tripped up in their calendaring and organization. Successfully planning ahead and maintaining business flow becomes even more difficult around the holidays, where clients and collaborators…

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Are You Ready for the Busy Season? Partner with a Virtual Assistant Before the Rush!

By Jennie Lyon / August 9, 2016
Are you ready for the busy season? Partner with a VA before the rush

Many small business owners first try out the services of a virtual assistant when they want to take a longer summer vacation and need someone to handle client care and social media while they’re away. While this is a completely legitimate way to utilize a virtual assistant, there are so many other things they can help with after the summer is over! [Tweet “A virtual assistant can free up large blocks of time, so you can focus on expansion.”] With September comes more business, and more work on a day-to-day basis. For a “solopreneur”, that can mean long hours and…

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