Not Sure What’s Working in Your Marketing? Our Audit/Strategy Can Help!

By Jennie Lyon / May 17, 2022

Why Didn’t Your Latest Marketing Perform?  So you’ve launched your latest big marketing push, and you don’t see the response you had hoped. What went wrong? Did anything go wrong? Was it the right strategy? Were expectations out of scope? Was the correct audience targeted? Was the messaging on point?  I’m going to dive into your online presence to figure out how to focus your attention on specific opportunities to maximize your marketing’s potential to draw in new clients and grow your business!  Today’s Podcast Overview  Today I’m going to cover several of my important tips for planning and executing…

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How Growing And Cultivating Your Email List Generate New Leads

By Jennie Lyon / May 10, 2022

Time to Spice Up Your Email List!  An email list doesn’t have to feel boring to them: Everybody has one. Everyone’s asking you to sign up for theirs. They stuff our inboxes to the point where we wonder why we signed up in the first place.  Email lists are STILL one of the most direct and vital ways to connect with your audience. As well as grow your business. Even in this age of TikTok, most marketing these days hopes to funnel people into email lists!  So how is your email list? Do you have one? Do you know what…

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Earn More Money Quickly With a Targeted Sales Funnel!

By Jennie Lyon / May 3, 2022

Are You Ready To Capture More Clients?  You have a great product, and now you need to get it to the people who will benefit most from it! There are many different approaches to marketing products. You’ll need to discover the best method for you, but without a dedicated sales funnel, you’re missing out on who knows how many potential sales! Today’s Overview Today, I’ll explain the value of building a dedicated sales funnel and how it’s your responsibility to lead your potential clients from interest to purchase! You can click on the link below to jump to any section…

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6 Steps To Create An Ideal Week for Optimal Productivity & Focus + Free Template

By Jennie Lyon / April 26, 2022

Do you feel like you’re always busy but end your days feeling like you haven’t accomplished anything? Do you constantly push important tasks onto the next day? Are your weekends filled with “make-up” tasks leftover from the week before? Do you resign to the thought that you’ll never focus or catch up? “Too busy” to organize your schedule? If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. It’s so easy to get caught up. You have this feeling like the most immediate thing to do is the most pressing task at hand. Still, if you’re not organizing your time management beforehand,…

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How To Boost Your Funnel with Cold Outreach Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / April 12, 2022

A study by HubSpot found that out of those cold emails (cold outreach marketing) sent, 33% get a neutral or somewhat positive response from consumers. This percentage is remarkably high considering that outbound marketing calls have a 94% extremely negative to a slightly negative response. Cold emailing has gotten a bad rap of being called spam. The truth is, businesses are at many stages in their life cycle. Some are struggling with reaching influencers or social engagement, while others are expanding and need to maintain connections that can help them grow. So why do outbound cold emails work? They work…

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How To Build A Fantastic Passive Income Stream Through Products

By Jennie Lyon / April 5, 2022 Passive income is the dream of every freelancer, entrepreneur, and small business owner. Who doesn’t want to make money while you sleep? I mean, we all do. There’s nothing more rewarding than waking up, checking your phone, and cha-ching – you’ve got more money in the bank!  Passive income has been a staple of the internet marketing world for years, but there are still a lot of misconceptions about what it is, how to obtain it, and why it works for some businesses but not for others. This episode will explore adding passive income into your marketing strategy by…

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How to Make a Winning Content Marketing Funnel + Free Workbook

By Jennie Lyon / March 28, 2022 Content marketing has changed how potential customers research and consider buying your products. The content marketing funnel visualizes people’s journey, and good content supports this journey. This strategy gives you a better chance of converting a potential customer into an actual customer. Creating content that converts is the number-one objective of the content marketing funnel.  Content marketing is a powerful way to interact with our target audiences. But, not all interactions are created equal. Before we can successfully optimize conversion points, we need to treat conversion as part of a larger customer journey and create an appropriate touchpoint for…

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Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into A High Powered Lead Magnet

By Jennie Lyon / March 1, 2022 LinkedIn is one of the most powerful free tools on the web. It’s a great way to network, get noticed, and meet new people. But it’s only as good as its profile. You can’t update your profile unless you know how to use it right. And you need to know a few things before you begin. The first thing you need to do is set yourself apart from everyone else, no-brainer right. I mean, everyone has a LinkedIn profile. They’re all there, but yours needs to stand out.  People are searching for you. When they find you, they’ll think…

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9 Expert Tips To Achieve Maximum Funnel Conversion

By Jennie Lyon / February 8, 2022

Over my 20 years in marketing, I have witnessed time and time again business owners, just like you, work endless hours burning the midnight oil to achieve maximum funnel conversion. If you’ve been in business for any amount of time, then you already know it’s difficult to convert your ICA the first time they come across your site. And it’s even more difficult to get them to come back and buy from you.  Since the customer journey has changed many times since online marketing began to be the future of sales, conversions no longer depend on good copywriting and pretty…

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Launch Failure? 6 Things To Do When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

By Jennie Lyon / February 1, 2022

Launches certainly feel like a rollercoaster ride, don’t they? Not only is an entire team involved (and invested) leading up to launch day, but the emotions are overwhelming! Whether you’re anxious, stressed, exhausted, or excited, it’s more than just a buzzkill when the launch doesn’t go exactly as planned. It’s a major setback, and even the most prepared teams can feel defeated. But there IS a silver lining in this story. My team and I have been working with clients for years to ensure that “launches” are a time of celebration. Today, let’s look at six of my favorite tips…

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