Partner with a Virtual Assistant to Scale Your Brand

partner with a virtual assistant to scale your brandWhen you are starting a new business or scaling your existing one, everything can be overwhelming. You are now your own boss, you have to provide your own direction! That direction usually heads to greater demands, pressures, and time crunches. The pressure certainly doesn’t lift once your company starts gaining success either. There will be hundreds of essential tasks pulling you in different directions.

How do you know when you have too much on your plate? A clear sign is when otherwise enjoyable or important tasks get put aside, simply because you don’t have the time. For example, if you are really swamped at work, it can be amazingly tempting to just forget about your exercise routine. Hobbies and pass-times can also be neglected. Can you actually remember the last time you opened a good book just for pleasure? Personal relationships with family and friends can be difficult to maintain when you are constantly working. Then there is a really big sign you are doing too much, sleep deprivation! I know it can be incredibly tempting to just stay up and finish all the work. Although this can pay off in the very short-term, in the long-term it can be incredibly destructive to your health, concentration, and stress level.

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So, do any of these examples sound familiar to you? If so, you aren’t alone. Entrepreneurs tend to be high energy people who pride themselves at being able to take on any task. All of the tasks! Thankfully entrepreneurs are also very smart, and know that you can only operate like that for so long. How can they relieve this stress and truly focus on the things that only they can do? The solution is clear… partnering with a virtual assistant.

There are so many essential tasks that take up huge amounts of your time that an experience virtual assistant can handle for you. Here are a handful of services that we offer.

  • Social Media
    In today’s business world, social media isn’t an option. It is a must. Having a robust online presence will ensure that your name doesn’t fall by the wayside during a Google search. You need to be active on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram… And that takes up a huge amount of time. So leave it to the professionals! By partnering with a virtual assistant that specializes in social media, the pressure of maintaining your online presence will be taken off your back. You can be sure that your company is tweeting daily, posting on Facebook, and generally being an excellent citizen of the World Wide Web!
  • Content Creation
    This goes hand in hand with social media. You can put out dozens of tweets a day, but unless you have content that they link to, no one will pay them any attention. To make the most of your website content, you need to have a social media strategy and editorial calendar created. The first step is having an active blog on your website which ensures that you always have fresh content that can pull in new clients, and bring existing ones back for more. Writing a blog and social media posts every single week can really put pressure on you. A virtual assistant who specializes in content creation can provide you with quality, professional content that relates perfectly to your business. You will, of course, always get final approval – but the idea is getting this work done each week!
  • Website Maintenance
    Your business website is the virtual face of your business. It is the last online stop for buying customers, your virtual storefront. Whether your business is product or service-oriented, your website needs to be functional, professional, relevant, easy to use, aesthetically pleasing, and inviting. Your website should offer clients a pleasing online experience and encourage them to say, “Yes,” to your product or service. An experienced virtual assistant can help you update copy, add plugins, pop-ups and generally make your website more functional and pleasing to the eye!
  • Administrative Tasks
    These are the little things that can easily take up precious hours of your time. Document creation, converting formats, scheduling, creating PowerPoint presentations, proofreading and editing… Taken together, these little administrative tasks can build up until it seems like dealing with them is your entire job. Partnering with an experienced virtual assistant can save you time, energy, stress, and money in the long run.
  • Email Marketing
    As lovely as your clients are, maintaining constant contact with them can be time consuming and difficult. A fantastic way of keeping them in the loop is to have a monthly email newsletter or e-zine! But who has the time to do that? When you partner with a virtual assistant to ensure that you are reaching out to your clients on a regular basis, you stay top-of-mind with your clients.

[Tweet “A virtual assistant can take care of the little things so you don’t have to!”]

As a busy entrepreneur, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t do everything. When you try to keep every ball in the air yourself, a few of them are probably going to get dropped. You need someone to catch them! That is what a virtual assistant is for. We take care of some of the big things and most of the little things so you don’t even have to think about them! Take a peek at my free download How to Use a Virtual Assistant Team to Grow Your Business & Get Your Life Back workbook.

If you are interested in seeing how partnering with a virtual assistant can scale your business, please visit and drop me a line! I would love to hear from you and find out what we can do to make your life just a little bit easier!

About Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. Jennie specializes in helping busy entrepreneurs organize, manage, develop and promote their brand! She is devoted to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media, content creation, email marketing, client relations, website management, and administration services. If you are a small business owner, coach or self-employed entrepreneur struggling to find enough time in your day to focus on what you really love - schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Jennie.


  1. […] As the leaves begin to fall and we enter the last quarter of the calendar year, planning for the following one should be on your mind. Before the holidays eat up all your extra time and your client work doubles as the year comes to a close, you should spend some time thinking about how to improve your business’ online presence in the upcoming year. Early autumn is the perfect time to put together both an editorial and social media marketing calendar for 2017. Here are some reasons why these simple organizational tools can help grow your business next year. […]

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