Why Cost Effective Copywriting is Worth Considering

cost effective copywriting“Copy” refers to written information that will be published in a book, newspaper, magazine, website, ad, or on social media sites. Copy is a silent but powerful medium through which clients, prospects, and other businesses are introduced to and stay connected with your business. Without this written content, your business’ ability to represent itself would be limited to images, your brick-and-mortar store (if you have one), and personal interactions. As you have probably guessed, professional copy is an important part of your business!

Many small business owners are experts in their own right, but few are also talented, effective copywriters. Perhaps your pen flows fast and free when you write about your work but your ideas are unclear to your audience. Or perhaps you possess the ability to form a strong, powerfully written paragraph but have trouble forming your ideas enough to put them onto paper. Whatever the reason, a professional copywriter can smooth your writing’s rough edges and take it from good to great. This seemingly small leap can have an enormous impact on your business. Here’s why.

  • The quality of your copy—whether on your website, social media posts, blog, or in books, ads, and marketing materials—reflects your level of professionalism and expertise. At least that’s what your readers will think! Mistakes—like typos, grammatical errors, and awkward language—reflect a poor image of your business and can make you look like an amateur. Handing your copy over to a professional copywriter protects your business’ professional reputation—which is reason enough to hire an expert—and saves you money in the long run by presenting your business in its best light.

[Tweet “The quality of your copy reflects your level of professionalism and expertise.”]

  • Professional copywriters write for a living; that means they have grammar and punctuation rules down pat and know how to communicate complex concepts in a clear, understandable way. They’re also less likely to make mistakes and have learned how to write in a subtly persuasive manner. A copywriter’s job—and only job—is to write polished, professional, impactful copy for your business.
  • In addition to bringing excellence to your copy, a copywriter can offer the perspective of a detached—but invested—outsider. Since you live, breath, and move your business and its products or services, you may have lost sight of what makes it special to your clients. A copywriter can approach your business with fresh eyes and highlight what is so unique about it. In this way, a copywriter can breathe new life into the content you put out into the market.

[Tweet “A copywriter can breathe new energy into the content you put out into the market.”]

  • Finally, professional writers specialize in clarity and brevity. This is especially important if there is information you want to convey to your customers that you understand but that they might not, for example technical information or jargon that is easily traded within your industry but not in mainstream society. A copywriter can explain the complexity of what you do, why you do it, and why your client should buy it in a way that is understandable.

Hiring a copywriter will not only help you grow your business, but save you costly errors and improve your professional image.

See how writing the perfect blog can fall into place with this free download, Blog Breakdown workbook!

If you’d like to learn how I can help with your content, or would like to inquire about any of my other services, please book a free consultation!

About Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. Jennie specializes in helping busy entrepreneurs organize, manage, develop and promote their brand! She is devoted to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media, content creation, email marketing, client relations, website management, and administration services. If you are a small business owner, coach or self-employed entrepreneur struggling to find enough time in your day to focus on what you really love - schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Jennie. www.JennieLyon.com


  1. […] there are two solutions. You can tough it out and keep writing everything yourself, or you can hire a virtual assistant who specializes in copywriting. Thanks to the flexible nature of virtual assistant contracts, you can outsource only the writing […]

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