Content to Include in Your Email Marketing Campaign to Hook Your Clients
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between a great email marketing campaign and an unsuccessful one?
A successful email marketing campaign depends on many factors, from the size of your email list, to the products or services you are promoting, to the service you use to send them out (I use Mad Mimi, for the record). Designing a great email marketing campaign isn’t easy! But one of the most important parts is the content that you include in it. We aren’t just talking about advertisements here, we are talking about genuine and interesting content that will get your clients reading rather than simply dumping your email into the junk folder. When it comes to engaging content you can include, there are many different kinds. Here are a few ideas:
For ezines and email marketing campaigns, nothing is more boring that a simple, monolithic block of text. It isn’t visually exciting and can actually look like work to read through. Spicing your email marketing content up with interesting and attractive graphics will help capture the eye of your client and get them reading.
Graphic design can be a specialized job and amateuristic work can actually turn off clients. Hiring a professional graphic designer, or a Virtual Assistant who has experience creating visual content, can really pay off. Your emails will look interesting and like you genuinely spent some time and money on them. Graphics create value.
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Special Offers
There is nothing like a special, limited time offer to get people jumping at an opportunity or service.
Your ezine or email campaign is the perfect place to include coupons, special offers, or information about sales. Since your clients will need to have signed up to your email list to get information about these offers, it will give them an air of exclusivity. This is something that you can highlight in your copy. That the only people who are getting this coupon are your loyal customers. It’s a great way to thank you clients for signing up to your email list. While also promoting new and exciting products or services that you want them to purchase.
If you were looking for some ideas of special offers and incentives to include in your email marketing campaigns, check out this blog!
In a perfect world, you would want to include blogs that you have personally written about a subject you are passionate and knowledgeable about.
Well-written and engaging blogs can be the bread and butter of content when it comes to marketing. They are perfect for updates to Twitter and Facebook. It’s great to expand your reach to other websites as a guest poster. This can be especially effective when attached or included in your email marketing.
Every blog you write should have a purpose. They should be interesting, engaging, and hopefully educational. This is the kind of content that reels in a client. If you send them off an email marketing campaign or an ezine without a substantial piece of content included, odds are that it is going to go straight into the trash. Including a useful and maybe even entertaining chunk of information will keep them reading and engaging with your message.
Blogs, however, can be incredibly time-consuming to write and a busy entrepreneur might not have the time. That’s why hiring a Virtual Assistant to write your blogs is such a great idea. A good Virtual Assistant who is also a professional copywriter and can produce high-quality, interesting blog posts and other content for you to post on your website, social media channels, and email campaigns.
[Tweet “A virtual assistant can create engaging content to add value to your email marketing campaigns.”]
Have you ever gotten an email from someone full of text and you think, “Eh, no time right now. I’ll read it later.”? Reading can be hard work when you have a ton of other things on the go. It takes time to read, comprehend, and absorb a blog. Video content, on the other hand, can be played in another window that you watch while you multitask.
Creating your own video content and including it in your email marketing is a great way to personally reach out to your clients. With a great smartphone, you probably have everything you need to record a high-quality video. You just need a script (something that our copywriters can provide) and an account on YouTube.
If recording your own content is too much work, you could scour the web for interesting videos related to your business and direct your readers to those instead. Just make sure that you give credit to the original creators!
Strong Call-to-Actions
Without a great call-to-action, your clients will read your email and dismiss them as soon as they are finished. The entire point of you sending out an email marketing campaign is to engage your clients and get them to click to your content, website, or services. A call-to-action is possibly the most important content you can include in your email marketing campaign.
Crafting a great call-to-action can be tricky. It needs to be economical in language while also getting the point across. It can take a while, with tremendous trial and error, to come up with a perfect call-to-action for your business. Unless, of course, you hire a Virtual Assistant who has experience writing call-to-action copy and already knows what works and what doesn’t.
Content is king, no matter what form of marketing you are engaging in. Email marketing can be easily dismissed by clients. Unless there is a good reason for them to click on it and engage with your message. Content is the gateway to engagement. That’s why every email you send out should include some form of content, something of value that you are sharing with your customers.

A Virtual Assistant can be an integral part of developing this content, making sure that it is high-quality and engaging. Graby my free download How To Use a Virtual Assistant Team to Grow Your Business & Get Your Life Back workbook! I would be delighted to offer you a free consultation to talk about how I can help you create delightful and interesting content for your email marketing campaigns to get more people clicking on your offers!