Leveraging Organic Content to Attract and Convert Your Ideal Clients

Strategic organic content is the backbone of any successful digital marketing strategy, including in written, audio, and video formats. As an online business, your organic content is an opportunity to showcase your expertise, build trust, create a genuine connection with your audience, and attract your ideal clients. 

But here’s the catch—not just any content will get these results. You can’t create content based on your inspiration or generic social media prompts from Pinterest and expect it to convert into sales. Today, we will discuss how to get more strategic with your organic content and utilize this strategy to attract and convert your ideal clients. 

Content Overview

What is an ICA, and Why You Need One
The Power of Content in a Marketing Strategy
Aligning Your Content with Your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA)
Creating Content Funnels to Guide Your ICAs
Measuring Success and Making Adjustments
Your Next Action Steps

What is an ICA, and Why Do You Need One?

I won’t spend too much time on this today since I went much more in-depth in the post a couple of weeks ago. So I’ll just simply say, if you don’t know what an Ideal Client Avatar (ICA) is, then go read that blog and then come back to this one. Suppose you’re wondering why I keep harping on this ICA thing. In that case, it’s because I’ve seen repeatedly over the last 20+ years how powerful messaging and targeting are in creating a successful online business. 

Not having an ICA will end up one of two ways. 

One: Attracting people who are not the type of clients your offer can help the most (meaning they’ll claim your offer doesn’t work when they just weren’t a good fit to begin with).  


Two: you’ll end up being so broad that none of your audience feels like you’re speaking to them, and they scroll past you to find a similar business that understands them better. (Just being honest…)

When you have a clear ICA and utilize organic content tailored to that ICA, you will attract more qualified leads that are a good fit for your business. You’re more likely to enjoy working with those customers because they resonate with the archetype that you’ve been marketing toward. It’s a win-win for both sides. 

So, if you’re convinced it’s time to elevate your ICA for your business but aren’t sure where to start, I’ve created this free ICA worksheet that walks you through the important questions to clarify your ideal client avatar. 

FREE RESOURCE: Customer Avatar Worksheet

Having your in-depth ICA will be the precursor to the rest of this information because you need to know WHO you’re speaking to before determining the HOW. 

The Power of Content In Your Marketing Strategy

All the content you create for your business communicates how your business understands and can accommodate the needs of your ideal client avatar (ICA). We’ve talked about ICAs over the last couple of weeks. Knowing your ICA means understanding their pain points, desires, objections, and motivations. It’s about recognizing where they spend their time online, what content they consume, and what language they respond to. 

I’ve seen situations where the content was so effective that businesses didn’t even have to spend tons of money on ads and lead generation because they had dialed in on their ICA so clearly. So, if you’ve been looking for a way to make your marketing more effective overall, this is the blog for you. 

Aligning Your Content with Your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA)

When I say “align your content with your ideal client avatar,” I’m just saying to be strategic based on their preferences and what is relevant to them. 

Determine the Content Formats They Prefer

Are your ideal client’s avid blog readers, or do they prefer short, snappy social media posts? Maybe they’re more inclined to watch video content or listen to podcasts. Knowing where they spend their time and what formats they engage with most, you can focus your efforts on where they’re most likely to see and interact with your content.

Focus on Relevant Topics

What questions are your ideal clients asking? What problems are they facing that you can solve? Your content should be centered around these pain points. Remember, content that doesn’t solve a problem or address a need is just noise.

Match the Tone and Style

Think about how your ICA prefers to communicate. If your ideal client is a busy executive, they might appreciate concise, to-the-point information. If they’re a creative entrepreneur, they might respond better to a more conversational and inspiring tone. The key is to mirror their language, making them feel understood and connected.

For example, if your ICA is a small business owner struggling with digital marketing, instead of a generic post about “Why Marketing Is Important,” create a blog titled “5 Digital Marketing Strategies Every Small Business Owner Should Implement Today.” The second one is tailored and specific and speaks directly to that specific ICA. 

What’s In It For Them?

When you create content, consider that you are serving the ideal customer, not trying to convince them to buy from you. Before I write and create content, I ALWAYS ask myself, “What is in it for my ideal customer?” This mindset shows through in your content and will help you avoid sounding salesy or pushy. 

Creating Content Funnels to Guide Your Ideal Clients

So now you’ve attracted your ideal client… now what? 

An organic content funnel strategically guides your ICA through its customer journey, from the first impression to purchase. Utilizing a content funnel helps meet the ICA where they’re along this customer journey, keeping in mind their pain points and desires at every step. 

Formulating a strategic customer journey and marketing funnels is more complex than I can discuss today. Still, the customer journey has three basic stages that unite your funnels: awareness, consideration, and decision. 

Awareness Stage:
Your goal is to capture their attention. You want to make them feel seen and understood in your content- and you do this by speaking about their reality. What are they tired of experiencing? What do they wish could be their reality? Do they THINK something is standing in their way? What is keeping them from their goals?

Consideration Stage:
Here, you provide more in-depth content that helps them evaluate your offering. Consider creating webinars, case studies, or eBooks that address their needs. 

Decision Stage:
At this stage, you provide content that helps them take the final step to becoming customers. This could be a free consultation, a product demo, or a special offer. 

By creating a funnel that guides your ICA through these stages, you’re strategically nurturing them every step rather than just crossing your fingers and hoping your content resonates.

Measuring Success and Making Adjustments

Creating and leveraging organic content is great, but if you’re not measuring its effectiveness, you’re flying blind. Look at metrics, then use those insights to refine your organic content strategy. I normally recommend taking stock at least every 30 days to my clients (you can get more granular, but then I believe you run into not giving the content enough time to work). 

This is important: if a certain type of content isn’t resonating, don’t be afraid to pivot. Content marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, and it’s not set in stone. It’s about testing, learning, and optimizing to ensure you’re attracting the clients who are the best fit for your business. The great thing about organic content is that you’re not paying to sponsor it or run ads, so you have more flexibility to tweak it than paid content. 

Create Your SMART Goals

FREE RESOURCE: Smart Goals Template

Your Next Action Steps:

This is how you’ll leverage your organic content to attract and convert your ideal clients. I’ve given you a lot of strategy and information today, so I wanted to finish here with a breakdown of your next steps to leveraging organic content to attract your ideal clients. 

  1. Develop your ICA, and get as detailed as you can. (If you want to know how in depth you should go, just download our free ICA worksheet to make this process more simple.)
  2. Formulate your organic content strategy based on what your ICA prefers. 
  3. Create a customer journey for that ICA that helps them navigate the three decision-making stages. 

Now, I know you’re a business owner with a lot going on. These action steps might be a priority right now, but they are not something you have a lot of time for or are completely out of your area of expertise. 

If that’s the case, there are a couple of ways I can help. 

  1. Schedule a Free Call with me to discuss your business goals and how we can work together to achieve them. 

Schedule a Free Call With Me

  1. Schedule a Marketing Office Hours call, during which you can ask direct questions about these topics and implement that knowledge for yourself or your in-house marketing team. 

Schedule Marketing Office Hours

Whatever you choose, I’m here to help! 

Links for This Episode:

– Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
– Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
– How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
– Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

Get in touch with Jennie:
– Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
– Website: jennielyon.com
– Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

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About Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. Jennie specializes in helping busy entrepreneurs organize, manage, develop and promote their brand! She is devoted to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media, content creation, email marketing, client relations, website management, and administration services. If you are a small business owner, coach or self-employed entrepreneur struggling to find enough time in your day to focus on what you really love - schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Jennie. www.JennieLyon.com

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