A Virtual Assistant Can Punch Up Your Business with Great Graphic Design + 15 Free Graphics

great graphic designWhen it comes to online content, the old saying really is true: “A picture is worth a thousand words”. In the era of Instagram, Pinterest, and other visually-based social media platforms, visual design is more important than ever. Potential customers and clients want to see beautiful graphic design when browsing the website and social channels of any business, no matter what their focus. Just because you aren’t a photographer or design firm doesn’t mean you can ignore the need to make your online presence visually appealing.

Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs simply don’t have enough time to devote to learning a whole new skill set like graphic design. That’s where hiring a virtual assistant specifically to do graphic design comes in. Small business owners wear so many hats already, without having to try and keep up with the ever-changing trends in graphic design and become proficient with all the programs required. By hiring a specialist in graphic design, you can improve the visual presentation of your business online immensely. The response you’ll see to your website, blogs, e-zines, and social media content will be unprecedented!

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Social Media Visual Creation!
Social media goes beyond just writing clever snippets for Twitter. To truly catch the eye of prospective clients, you need to offer attractive visual content. Just re-posting the images of others isn’t enough; at best that’s not specific to your focus, and at worst it can be plagiarism and get you in trouble. A graphic design virtual assistant can create daily visuals to accompany your text-based social media posts, and help you stand out in the sea of content your potential clients are awash in every time they check their social media accounts. See the two examples below for an idea of what Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services does for social media visuals. I like to use images with inspiring quotes, a watermark of the logo, and the website URL. Here is one that we recently created that I love!

Branding Collateral: Logos, Brochures, Product Packaging, Business Cards and More!
Why settle for a pre-made template for your branding collateral? You don’t want your business to look like every other business out there – it needs to be personalized to you. A graphic design virtual assistant can create personalized branding collateral and graphics for your business ensuring that your visual branding stays consistent. The more attractive your branding is, the more likely your clients old and new will keep in touch with you. Here are some examples of my favorite branding collateral projects that we have done.



So many small businesses stick with free stock photos to accompany their blog articles, and those simply aren’t very exciting. By hiring a graphic design virtual assistant to come up with visuals specific to your blog topic, you can really up the impact your article has on readers. Even better, write less and communicate more information using a custom infographic! These visual displays of data and concepts have become more and more of a standby in recent years, and many people who might not read an entire article will still be drawn in by the visual summary provided by an infographic. Here are some of my favorite infographics we have created for clients.

graphic-design-virtual-assistantfeedback-101-final[Tweet “Improving the visual presence of your business online can help attract new clients.”]

You don’t need to be a designer yourself, or to hire an expensive design firm to improve the visual presentation of your business online. A graphic design virtual assistant can provide just the design services you need, in exactly the amounts you want and can afford. That kind of flexibility just isn’t possible with most firms, who offer fixed packages or fixed-term contracts. Change the way clients see your business, for the better, by working with a  virtual assistant starting today. We would love to help!


Want to start sharing great graphic design on social media? I’ve created 15 delightful free graphics that you can use on social media! Delivered straight to your inbox. Click here to grab your free graphics! If you are interested in grabbing a month’s supply of social media graphics branded with your logo and URL, please click here. I would love to help!

About Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. Jennie specializes in helping busy entrepreneurs organize, manage, develop and promote their brand! She is devoted to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media, content creation, email marketing, client relations, website management, and administration services. If you are a small business owner, coach or self-employed entrepreneur struggling to find enough time in your day to focus on what you really love - schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Jennie. www.JennieLyon.com


  1. […] images take no more time than simple ones, but they get pinned and re-pinned far more often! Attractive and informative graphic design is powerful on a platform like […]

  2. […] 3. Business and Brand Goals You need a memorable brand that immediately communicates to potential clients/readers/customers exactly what your business is […]

  3. […] material ensures that your client base has a memorable image to attach to your brand. Hiring a virtual assistant to do graphic design for your business takes the time-consuming work of image sourcing, Photoshop, and other skilled […]

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