5 Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid When Launching a New Offer

From experience, I can say that launching a new offer can be exciting, inspiring… and overwhelming. You’re excited to put something new into the world and ready for your business to reach the world in a new way… but you’re on pins and needles, hoping your launch will succeed and you won’t fall into one of these digital marketing mistakes.

Content Overview

Information Overload
Post and Ghost
Giving It Away
Flying Solo
Ask Me Anything

Information Overload

Oh man, I LOVE talking about this because it is SO common, and honestly, this shift has been a game-changer in the businesses I’ve worked with. 

Raise your hand if you believe the more information you give your audience, the more likely they will purchase your offer. 

Okay, if your hand is raised, I’m here to tell you this is NOT true. 

Telling your audience that your offer will give them 90 minutes of coaching, 12 workbooks, 10 videos to watch, and more will not encourage them to buy. It will just overwhelm or bore them (there’s no in-between). 

Pro Tip

Instead of focusing on the information, focus on the transformation. 

When they purchase your offer, your customers buy two things: access to you and access to the results you offer. 

They are buying from you because they like, know, and trust you, and they feel that you can get them the results they’re looking for. They don’t need as much info about the how (the logistics). After utilizing your offer, they need to know how their lives will improve or change. 

Post and Ghost

“Post and Ghost” is a term I use when I see businesses launch a new offer and their only plan for lead generation is posting on social media. Yikes. 

Even if you have hundreds of thousands of followers, your business’s social media conversion rate (the percentage of followers that purchase from you) is significantly lower than other lead generation strategies. There are a few reasons for this, and I won’t bore you with the technicalities here. 

But please just trust me when I say this: posting once or twice on social media that you are launching a new offer is NOT enough for a successful launch. 

Now, if this is you… take a deep breath. Social media is a good component of your lead generation plan but should not be part of your strategy. 

Pro Tip

Instead of only posting on social media, ensure you’re utilizing your email list to promote your new offer! 

Don’t have a big email list? That’s okay! The leads on your email list are “warmer,” meaning they’re more likely to purchase from you than your social media followers. The key is having the right subscribers (qualified leads) and the right content to convert them. 

FREE RESOURCE: Email List Growth Tracking Worksheet

Giving It Away

This one might ruffle some feathers, but you should never give away an offer you’ve created with your valuable knowledge and time. 

You might ask, “But Jennie, don’t I need to create social proof for my new offer?”

And yes, social proof is important… but giving it away for free isn’t the way. When you give away your offer for free, you’re inherently decreasing its value before it even gets off the ground, both in your mind and in the mind of your audience. 

Pro Tip

Instead of giving free access to your new offer, you could offer a “beta testing” group that still pays for access but at a decreased price.

Or, if you already have an established business with social proof from your other offers- you can launch your new offer with social proof that shows the results you’ve already gotten for your clients. 


I know I’ve said something like this a few times in the last couple of months, but it was worth bringing up again because I am sad when I see businesses essentially flushing their money down the drain with their paid ads. 

That’s not to say that paid ads aren’t a good lead-generation method for a new offer. However, ads that lack strategy and intense market knowledge will end well below your expectations. 

Pro Tip

When we work with businesses on their advertisements, whether it’s META, LinkedIn, YouTube, PPC, or any others, we ALWAYS take the time to develop a strategy first. In fact, on my team alone, I have multiple paid ads specialists who help these businesses generate qualified leads for their offers.

That strategy will always include a look into the ideal client avatar and the target market to choose the best targeting, copywriting, and graphic design based on psychology. 

I always suggest consulting an ads specialist (or an agency like Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Services that has ads specialists on its team) before investing a lot of money in paid advertising.

FREE RESOURCE: Facebook Ad Writing Workbook

Flying Solo

This is for my solopreneurs who have been rocking their businesses, going mostly on their own with maybe just the help of an assistant. 

First, I’m proud of you, and I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there, too. Business is picking up, and you feel pretty good about your offers. Still, there just isn’t enough time in the day for everything, and you end up feeling like you’re spending more time on administrative work than running your business. 

Or, if you’ve started outsourcing to virtual assistants, you’re getting some extra helping hands… but you have to be the ship’s captain, and you’re not always sure what the next move should be. 

I can confidently say that investing in your marketing efforts, specifically outsourcing them, can be one of the greatest game-changers for your business’s success. 

When you let a marketing professional or marketing agency help steer the reins, you get to save your mental energy for things that will drive your business forward and deliver better customer results. 

Pro Tip

Resist the temptation to consider your business budget and marketing an expense. Because it’s truly one of the most important investments, with the greatest return on investment, that you could make. 

Ask Me Anything

So, here are the top 5 digital marketing mistakes to avoid when launching a new offer. Hopefully, this will give you some direction for your next launch. 

If you find yourself in a situation where you wish you could just ask a couple of quick marketing questions, I would like to invite you to schedule an appointment with my marketing office hours. 

This is an opportunity to get some direction on your next launch, revamp your current digital marketing strategy, and feel secure in taking your next steps! Marketing office hours are easy to book; you can choose from full-hour or half-hour time slots. 

Pro Tip

Book your marketing office hours today! 

Marketing Office Hours Book a one-on-one session to bring all of your questions into focus! In just 30 minutes or an hour, we’ll strategize your problem, brainstorm a way forward, and you’ll leave with a clear and concise action plan to get your business rolling!

Links for This Episode:

Marketing Office Hours
Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path
How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team
Schedule a free call with Jennie today

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About Jennie

For over 20 years, Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing & Virtual Assistant Services has offered customized digital marketing strategies and virtual assistant services to help build, promote, and scale your business so it can clearly and easily attract your ideal clients online.

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