5 Reasons Why Your Email List Contacts Aren’t Converting to Paid Customers

You’ve been working hard on growing your email list with a free offer, which we call a lead magnet. This has created some new contacts for your email list, but those contacts aren’t converting into paying customers.  

Today, I will troubleshoot this very common problem with you and see if you can identify opportunities for improvement for your online business. Let’s get into it. 

Content Overview

Things don’t match up
Lost in the funnel
Email epic fails
Lack of Clarity
“Set it and forget it” strategy
How Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing can help

Things Don’t Match Up

At this point in your business, you’re probably familiar with the concept of sales funnels and the general idea of how they operate. The lead magnet is supposed to be the entry point into your funnel, but why would someone enter the funnel but not keep progressing? 

There will always be a percentage of your email list that is just looking for free stuff. It’s unavoidable and doesn’t mean they won’t convert in the future, so I’m not worried about those people. 

Online businesses often create a lead magnet that is disconnected from the next offer in their funnel. If you attracted a new lead with information about how to churn the best homemade ice cream, but the next offer in your funnel is about how to live a dairy-free lifestyle… can you see why they won’t be buying your paid offer?

That’s a dramatic example, but the point remains that you should reverse engineer your lead magnet to the next offer in your funnel, not vice versa. I talked last week about attracting your ideal customer; I recommend you go back and read that post when you’re finished here. Knowing your ideal client avatar will help you create cohesive offers and lead magnets that convert to sales. 

FREE RESOURCE: How to Identify Your Core Lead Magnet

Lost in the Funnel

If your funnel structure is not designed to move your lead from a free subscriber to a paid customer, you’re already setting up your business for failure. Even if you have amazing offers and perfect marketing, you should avoid some major mistakes in structuring your follow-up with a contact after they’ve entered your email list. 

The end of your lead magnet document should always have a call to action, inviting that contact to get more value from you (either paid or free) in a way that will continue to help them on their journey to solve whatever problem inspired them to download your lead magnet, to begin with. Without a strong call to action at the end of your lead magnet, you’re missing opportunities for immediate conversions (as long as the call to action makes sense). 

On that same note, if your email nurture sequence after the lead magnet doesn’t also gently but nudge your new subscriber toward one of your paid offers, you’ll be hearing crickets regarding sales. One welcome email or one delivery email is NOT enough. Don’t be scared to offer more to them—it’s what they’re here for!

FREE RESOURCE: Ideal Customer Avatar worksheet

Email Epic Fails

I debated putting this on this list because email marketing strategy can be somewhat complex and individualized, but mistakes are common. I’ll touch on the basics here. 

Visual Appearance

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—your branding doesn’t have to be over the top and super intricate, but it needs to appear professional and well-thought-out. This includes the visual elements of your emails, the copywriting, and accompanying graphics.

Bad Timing

I’ve seen both ends of the spectrum. Still, businesses who under-email their list get forgotten about and pushed to the back burner, and businesses who over-email their list get blocked by potential customers. Timing is such an integral part of any good email marketing strategy. But when in doubt, just consider how often YOU like to get emails from a business. 

Email marketing can nurture your lead to become a customer or cause you to lose trust and credibility. Don’t sleep on a solid, updated email marketing strategy. 

Lack of Clarity

When considering how to structure your funnel and customer journey, the big questions to consider are:

  1. What is the clearest way to express how this helps my customer?
  2. Am I making it as simple as possible for them?

Weak Calls to Action

Even if your emails are full of valuable content, they won’t take action if you’re not guiding your subscribers on what to do next. Most new contacts will not become paying customers directly from a lead magnet but more likely over a few weeks or months with proper nurturing.

FREE RESOURCE: Strength Weakness Opportunities and Threats Analysis

Unsegmented and Generic Content

Your subscribers are at different stages of their buying journey. Sending the same generic content to everyone is like trying to hit a bullseye blindfolded. Segmentation allows you to tailor your message to specific groups, making it more relevant and engaging.

“Set It and Forget It” Strategy

Email marketing is an evolving game, like everything else with digital marketing. New best and worst practices are always emerging as trends, preferences, and policies change. So, there should never be a “set it and forget it” strategy. You don’t know how to improve your email marketing without analyzing your data. 

On that same note, if the data tells you that your lead magnet just doesn’t resonate with your customers (at least not in a way that makes them want to buy your offer), it’s time to pivot. And I know that can be scary, but sometimes the little tweaks can make a difference (and sometimes… you just have to start over). Either way, the key is to strive to offer value to your customers and deliver an incredible user experience; with the right strategies, the sales will follow. 

How Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Can Help

Sometimes, the best way to upgrade your business is to bring experts to help upgrade your strategies so you can see results without the stress of guessing your way through the process. 

Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing is a team of dozens of digital marketing experts that helps online businesses increase sales and grow their reach online. 

Done-for-You and Done-With-You Marketing

Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing can provide all of your marketing support, including:

  • Marketing Funnel Audit & Strategy
  • Email Marketing Strategy & Management
  • Lead Magnet Audit & Strategy
  • And more!

Schedule a free call with me to learn how to work together to grow your online business. 

Marketing Consultations

If you’d just like a second set of eyes on your email marketing and lead magnet,  then one of the Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Consultation packages would be the best next step for you. 

Why Choose Jennie Lyon for Consultations:

  • Expert Knowledge: I’ve owned a successful small business for over 20+ years and learned many hard lessons. My insights can save you time and money. 
  • Experience Across Industries: I’ve worked with businesses in almost every industry imaginable, which means I have insight for ANY business. 
  • Collaborative Approach: We collaborate to devise solutions to your business issues. Consultations aren’t me lecturing or talking at you; they’re a cooperative experience where we work together to make your business goals a reality. 
  • Team of Experts: Depending on your business goals, I have a hand-picked team who can offer innovative strategies for your focus areas. 

Book your consultation today if you’re ready to convert your free email subscribers into paid customers. We will work together to turn your business goals into reality. We can’t wait to help you achieve the success you deserve!

Book Your Digital Marketing Consultation Package!

Links for This Episode:

– Marketing Office Hours: https://jennielyon.com/marketing-office-hours/
– Discover Your Digital Marketing Success Path: https://jennielyon.com/quiz
– How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team: https://jennielyon.com/vateam
-Schedule a free call with Jennie today: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie

Get in touch with Jennie:
– Free Consultation: https://jennielyon.com/chatwithjennie
-Website: jennielyon.com
-Social Media: @jennielyonmarketing

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About Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. Jennie specializes in helping busy entrepreneurs organize, manage, develop and promote their brand! She is devoted to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media, content creation, email marketing, client relations, website management, and administration services. If you are a small business owner, coach or self-employed entrepreneur struggling to find enough time in your day to focus on what you really love - schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Jennie. www.JennieLyon.com

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