6 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Marketing Strategy

What I love about running a digital marketing services agency is playing detective. When running an online business, things are not always what they seem. I love working with my team to help business owners determine the REAL reason for their challenges and struggles.

You’re here because you feel like something is “off” with your business, but you can’t put your finger on it. If you’re facing any of these six issues, then it’s time to upgrade your marketing strategy. Let’s get into it! 

Content Overview

Let’s State the Obvious
#1: Declining Sales
#2: Outdated Strategies
Time to Play Detective
#3: Social Media Stagnancy
#4: Getting Left Unread
#5: Lacking Leads
#6: Messaging Mayhem
How Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Can Help

Let’s State the Obvious

These two should be pretty self-explanatory, but I’m including them because these are the two most obvious signs that your marketing strategy needs an upgrade. 

#1: Your business is declining in sales. 

The most clear sign that it’s time to upgrade your digital marketing strategy is that you’re experiencing a decrease in sales. In my experience, this decrease in sales also shows up in other ways in your business. This is where the playing detective comes in, so keep reading to see where else your business is giving you clues. It’s time to upgrade your digital marketing strategy. 

#2: You haven’t upgraded your strategy in the last 3 months. 

Marketing strategies are not static. They should be living, breathing documents that adjust for your specific offer suite, business goals, and your target market’s purchasing behaviors over time. 

If you’ve been using a marketing strategy for three months and still aren’t seeing the results you’re looking for, it’s time to upgrade your marketing strategy. 

Now that we’ve stated the obvious let’s explore some of the more ambiguous indicators that show that it’s time to upgrade your marketing strategy. 

Time to Play Detective

The next 4 signs are a little less obvious to most online business owners. This is where our 20 years of experience in the digital marketing field come to the rescue for our clients! 

#3: Your social media engagement and conversions are lower. 

It feels like social media algorithms and best practices change almost every day. If you used to get decent leads and conversions (people becoming clients from being social media followers) but don’t anymore, it’s time to look up those best practices and the most current social media algorithms to get better outcomes from your social media efforts. 

Additionally, the cost per lead increases if you’ve been running paid advertisements on social media. You’re not getting conversions, which is another sign that you need a social media advertisement specialist to look at your plan before running that next campaign. 

#4: Your email open rates have decreased.

My clients don’t often realize this is related to their marketing strategy, but decreased email open rates mean that your email audience is losing interest… and you’ve got to fix that fast. 

This can be because your email subject lines aren’t as engaging or distinctive as they used to be, but more than likely, it’s because the emails they opened in the past didn’t resonate or weren’t valuable to your email audience. The average person gets around 120 emails daily and won’t open all of them. 

Nurturing leads through email is more than sending out a monthly newsletter. Your email marketing should have a separate strategy for nurturing your audience to become a paying customer. 

#5: You’re noticing fewer new leads coming in each month. 

This might seem obvious to you, but I’ve had several clients experience a lack of leads. They think, “Oh, I just need to create a new offer!” because their audience is exhausted from their current offer suite. 

Pro tip: NEVER create a new offer because your leads are decreasing. 

If you’re getting fewer leads, there’s a leak in your funnel somewhere. That means your general audience (on social media, your blog/podcast subscribers, etc.) who haven’t given you their email yet don’t see a reason to do so. 

An effective marketing strategy would involve analyzing your social media calls-to-action, lead magnet marketing, and lead-capturing points of your funnel to ensure a steady flow of potential customers. If yours isn’t doing that, it’s time to upgrade. 


#6: You haven’t updated your messaging in the last 3 months. 

Your potential customers’ language to describe their problems and dreams should be incorporated into your messaging through your copy, content, and branding. 

If you’ve had copy on your website, social media, and ads for the last three months and you’re not seeing the results you’re looking for, then this is a sign that your messaging is missing the mark with your target audience. 

I typically suggest clients self-check their messaging each quarter and consider their interactions with potential and current customers so the messaging more clearly resonates with their target audience. 

At Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Services, we always implement a storytelling-based approach that authentically builds trust and authority with your target audience. 

Create Your SMART Goals


How Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Can Help

Whether you have a team or you manage your marketing solo, it’s safe to say it’s time to upgrade your marketing strategy. But if trying to do that stresses you out, and you’re tired of playing detective for your own business, Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing can help upgrade your digital marketing strategy. 

Remove the guesswork from your strategy by working with our team of digital marketing experts! 

Done-for-You and Done-With-You Marketing

Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing can provide all of your marketing support, including:

  • Marketing Funnel Audit & Strategy
  • Social Media Audit & Strategy
  • Social Media Advertisements Audit, Strategy & Management
  • Expert Copywriting
  • Email Marketing Strategy & Management
  • Lead Magnet Audit & Strategy
  • And more!

Marketing Consultations

If you have an in-house marketing team and are just looking for external input on your next steps, one of the Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Consultation packages would be your best next step. 

Why Choose Jennie Lyon for Consultations:

  • Expert Knowledge: I’ve owned a successful small business for over twenty years and learned many hard lessons. My insights can save you time and money. 
  • Experience Across Industries: I’ve worked with businesses in almost every industry imaginable, which means I have insight for ANY business. 
  • Collaborative Approach: We collaborate to devise solutions to your business issues. Consultations aren’t me lecturing or talking at you; they’re a cooperative experience where we work together to make your business goals a reality. 
  • Team of Experts: Depending on your business goals, I have a hand-picked team who can offer innovative strategies for your focus areas. 
Free Download: How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team to Grow Your Business & Get Your Life Back

FREE RESOURCE: How to Use Our Digital Marketing Team to Grow Your Business & Get Your Life Back

Suppose you’re ready to upgrade your marketing strategy and have expert input that works with your current marketing efforts. In that case, you can book your consultations today, and we will work together to turn your business goals into reality! We can’t wait to help you achieve the success you deserve! Book Your Digital Marketing Consultation Package!

About Jennie

For over 20 years, Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing & Virtual Assistant Services has offered customized digital marketing strategies and virtual assistant services to help build, promote, and scale your business so it can clearly and easily attract your ideal clients online.

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